If Only I had a Doula.....

If only I had a doula.....

In my first trimester of pregnancy.

A miscarriage a few months prior and subsequent pregnancy with terrible morning sickness. Sick so bad, you can't cook or even smell food and most days you can't take care of yourself or your kids. Support physically from a doula who could do the things you can't in and around the house. 

Puking is a lot of work. Imagine someone to keep your hair clean or push on pressure points for comfort. To clean up the mess and make you look and feel pretty again. 

If you are pregnant or remember being pregnant, feeling half alive because of fatigue is real. To have someone there to let you nap or to help you get some rest would provide much need rejuvenation for your body and soul. 

How about having someone there to remind you of just how amazing you are when you feel so crappy. Someone to help you with the negative automatic thoughts over fears Having a doula to keep you focused on the positive thoughts and not let fear set in makes for a much more relaxed mom. 

A doula does all of these things. Not just for mothers in labor or while they are home with their babies after birth. While a doula is most often recognized as the support person for the birthing mother it can almost be anything in life.  When would you have had a doula in your life?

Add a doula to your support team today with Northern Virginia Birth Services. Our doulas will help rejuvenate you, support you. encourage you,  and give you confidence in your choices.